What is GCOR?
The General Code of Operating Rules (GCOR) is a set of operating rules for railroads in the United States. The GCOR is used by Class I railroads west of Chicago, most of the Class II railroads, and many Short-line railroads.
The General Code of Operating Rules Committee (GCOR) and the Operating Rules Association (ORA) are federations of railroad operating rules officers with common interest in the evolving advancement and common safety for their employees, customers and the general public while supporting the best interest of the nation.
Using federal laws, mandates and orders as a basis, the Committee attempts to “translate” these official documents (often in legalese) into rules the average railroader can understand and apply. And since not every aspect of railroading is regulated, they add additional rules as needed. The result is the General Code of Operating Rules.The GCOR rules are intended to enhance railroad safety. The rules cover employee responsibilities, signaling equipment, procedures for safe train movement, dealing with accidents and other topics that directly and indirectly affect railroad safety. Some railroads modify the GCOR rules to suit their specific operations.
The GCOR is supplemented by System Special Instructions, Timetables, Hazardous Materials Instructions, Air Brake and Train Handling Instructions, and General Orders. These documents are issued by each individual railroad. System Special instructions, Timetables, and General Order can modify or amend the General Code of Operating Rules. GCOR 1.3.2 states that General Orders replace any rule, special instruction, or regulation that conflicts with the general order.
Some railroads will maintain what they call a "living rulebook." As amendments are released via general order or special instruction, they will update the specific page that was affected.
Most railroads are using the Seventh Edition, effective April 1, 2015
Click on the link below to view our version of GCOR that is applicable to the future operations of the Butte Falls Scenic Railway.
Copyright 2020 by the Southern Oregon Railway Historical Society & the Town of Butte Falls, Oregon
Official project website of the Southern Oregon Railway Historical Society & the Town of Butte Falls, Oregon