Butte Falls Scenic Railway Vision
It is the long term goal of Southern Oregon Railway Historical Society to rebuild and operate as a tourist excursion railroad a segment of what was once the Medford Corporation (Medco) logging railroad, using  locomotives and other equipment originally used in the region.  Our objective in undertaking this project is to create a living railroad museum in its original forested environment. 
Car Shop
Engine House
Passenger Loading Platform
Job Training & Certification
Fire Safety
The Project Team / Contact
Project Mission / Plan
History of the Line
Butte Falls Scenic Railway
Home Page
Southern Oregon Railway Historical Society Home Page
Project Status Updates
Copyright 2020 by the Southern Oregon Railway Historical Society & the Town of Butte Falls, Oregon
Official project website of the Southern Oregon Railway Historical Society & the Town of Butte Falls, Oregon
Project Plan Details

Pre-Phase 0 (NOW)

     Start the creation and review of designs for the railway.

          Plot Plans - draft design complete
          Passenger Loading Platform - draft design complete
          Ticket / Yard Office - design started
          Engine House -
          Car Shop -
          Heritage Park Plan -

     Develop fire safety plan - draft complete
     Develop GCOR based operation rule book & training and certification programs.

          GCOR - Draft complete
          Job Training and Certification - Draft Complete
          Fire Safety Training - Being developed

     Review draft designs and plans with neighbors to the planned railway.

          Reviewed with 1 property owner
          Review with the Landing in process

     Obtain necessary easement letters of understanding needed for track construction to Obenchain Road.

     Gain agreement with ODF to develop a fire season operating agreement similar to the Sumpter Valley agreement.

     Start “Non Specific tourist railway” fundraising.

          Because of Covid-19 we were able to obtain a grant & go-fund-me funds to cover Society losses at Medford Railroad Park &
          Annual show.

          Continuing eBay sales funding for the Railway project

     Obtain property for Rail Heritage Park

Phase 0   —  Announce Date to 6 to 12 months

     Create and gain approval for a development & operating agreement with the town of Butte Falls.

     Working with the Town create a public awareness campaign using multiple modes of communication.

     Investigate and implement multiple methods for fund raising efforts.

     Perform civil engineering analysis of plans and add necessary details to plans package.

     Working with the Town, County and other agencies as necessary complete planning, design, and permitting in preparation for the
     start of construction in Phase 1.

     Investigate and acquire materials needed for the start of construction in Phase 1.

Phase 1  —  Complete 1 to 4 years from the start date

     Construct the engine house and part of the Rail Heritage Park area, the main line from the Landing to the BLM road at the West
     edge of town, and a siding and passenger loading area also at the Landing.

     Continue raising funds and acquiring materials for Phase 2 construction.

     Bring to Butte Falls Medco #8, the Southern Pacific 40’ flat car, the Southern Pacific Baggage car, and at least one 40’ box car.

Phase 2  —  Complete Up to 10 years from start date

     Begin operations from the Landing to the West edge of town and back. 

     Trains would operate on weekends and holidays from Memorial Day through end of September.  Special runs on holidays and
     other special events may also be created in phase 3.

     Complete easement agreements for mainline construction from the West edge of town to Obenchain road.

     Continue construction on the railway.  Complete yard tracks, build the car shop, complete the mainline to Obenchain Road, and
     move in additional cars and locomotive.

     Equipment to be moved includes; Medco #4, the SP dining car, SP 1000 caboose, the GN caboose, and additional box cars.

     As construction continues, rail operations would be extended on the new track.

Phase 3  —  Start on or before 10 years after start date

     Achieve full operations from The Landing to Obenchain Road.

     Trains would operate on weekends and holidays from Memorial Day through end of September.  Special runs on holidays and
     other special events may also be created in phase 3.
Fire Safety Training & Certification
Ticket / Yard Office
Plot Plans